Legal notices
This website is published by: Codimage Sarl
Address:67 rue Saint louis en l'Ile 75004 Paris - France
France (metropolitan)
Phone n°:{1} +33.617787102
Share capital: 3000€
Editorial director: Jean Meillassoux
Intellectual Property (IP)
The general structure of the website as well as texts, graphics, images and videos are the property of the publisher.
The brands and logos Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits and PLM are registered by WL Diffusion Sarl for a wide variety of products and services. All brands, logos and other signs related to French Line are the property of Association French Lines in Le Havre - France.
Any representation, reproduction,partial of total use of contents of the website or of the brands or logos, whatever the process, without prior authorization of the Publisher, WL Diffusion or Association French Lines is strictly forbidden and may be interpreted as a counterfeit under article L 335-2, L 122-5 and followings articles of the French Intellectual Property Code of laws.
Contact us for any question or information concerning these issues.
Protection of DataBase
As per French law N° 98-536 of July 1st 1998 transposed in EU Intellectual Property directive 96/9 CE of March 11th 1996 concerning the protection of Image Database, the Publisher is the producer and owner of all DataBases presented in this website. By accessing the present website, the user accepts to comply to the French and EU legislation, and in particular:
-shall not extract, re-use, stock, reproduce or represent, directly or indirectly, by any means, be it partially or substantially, the content of these proprietary DataBases, thus exceeding normal and accepted usage of the presented Databases.
-any infringement to the present legal clauses will result in civil or criminal sanctions concerning author's rights, trademarks and proprietary rights of owners of proprietary Databases. It is reminded that Article 323-1 and followings of the French Criminal Code specifically mention sanctions up to 5 years in jail and 75 000€ in penalty.
Applicable law
The French law is applicable to the present website as well as the conditions of use. In case of litigation and after all efforts to settle the case have failed, French courts will be the only competent courts.
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